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Subject: C-3S/Small boon tri-banders
Author: Louis Jr. Sica <>
Date: 23-Feb-2000 14:46:14
Looking for people's experiences with the C-3S vs other short-boom (12' or
less) tri-banders. Particularly interested in the C-3's 17m/12m performance
vs short (14~30MHz/6 el/12') log periodics....

Lou AC0X

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
23-Feb-2000 John Langdon
23-Feb-2000 Herb Rosenberg
* 23-Feb-2000 Louis Jr. Sica
This Author (Feb-2000)
  Subject   Date  
* C-3S/Small boon tri-banders 23-Feb-2000
C-3SS and WARC 2/2 Vertical Seperation? 27-Feb-2000
C3S on WARC 28-Feb-2000