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Subject: Mailing List Archive available
Author: Scott Neader KA9FOX <>
Date: 23-Feb-2000 15:15:19
Hi All!

I have set up a web-based archive of all of the Force12Talk messages, from
this point forward.

This archive URL will be listed at the bottom of all future Force12Talk
messages (should be at the bottom of this one, or I did it wrong!)

Unfortunately, there is no capability for searching at this point, but you
can list all the messages by Subject, and then use your web browser's
"find" functionality to find what you are looking for. Only the Subjects
are listed, so try to remember to use good descriptive subjects -- one
recent posting had the subject of "info" which doesn't help much. :-)

73 - Scott KA9FOX

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* 23-Feb-2000 Scott Neader KA9FOX
This Author (Feb-2000)
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* Mailing List Archive available 23-Feb-2000