of the antennas turned 90 degrees from the other. I think I have this right. However, he also said that my WARC rotatable dipole (Cushcraft) needed to be 12 feet away from my C3E. I hope I have this right. He (Natan) didn't seem too encouraging about putting a traditional tri-bander and one of their WARC antennas on the same tower. 73, Steve, N4JQQ, C3E owner........... -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force 12 Web site: http://www.qth.com/force12 Force12Talk Message Archive: http://www.qth.com/force12/list/force12talk To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail to force12talk-leave@qth.com For problems with the list, contact force12@qth.com |
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