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Subject: Antenna in tree
Author: <>
Date: 05-Mar-2000 09:37:10
In a message dated 03/04/2000 10:11:43 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> I have a C-3 mounted on top of a 120' Douglas Fir tree. I have enjoyed
> the antenna very much. I am considering adding the 40M kit and was
> wondering how difficult it would be to add while the antenna is still
> mounted on top of the tree. My climber would be able to haul up the
> additional parts assembled, however attaching it to the existing antenna
> is the question. Any thoughts?

Hmm, good question. I've installed 14-15 yagis in trees including 2L
40M Cushcrafts and they all work like a BOMB!

It'll take a lot of work and screwing around but it can probably be
done. One guy at the top of a tree doesn't have a lot of leverage and has a
real limited field of work but you can probably do it.

This is more of a question for TowerTalk - the tower and HF antenna
reflector - since it's got more to do with installation than it does a
specific antenna. You should post your question there.

Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech

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* 05-Mar-2000
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* Antenna in tree 05-Mar-2000
F12 nuts 06-Mar-2000
F12 nuts 06-Mar-2000
Force12Talk Digest for 21 Mar 2000 in hour 0:00 21-Mar-2000
Yagis and Rivets 16-Mar-2000