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Subject: C-19-XR
Author: Pete Smith <>
Date: 07-Mar-2000 06:12:32
At 03:32 PM 3/6/00 -0500, Natan Huffman wrote:
>As noted on page 8 of our catalog when discussing ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS,
>"(The net gain numbers will be fairly constant for antennas installed at 35'
>and higher)." However, as the antenna will be reacting to signals arriving
>at higher angles when installed at lower heights, the f/b may be lessened
>somewhat. Of course the height above ground that the array cares about is
>the effective height above ground which can be quite different than physical
>ground. The effective height above ground depends on many factors,
>including the presence of nearby structures and the composition of the soil.
>Unfortunately, there is not an easy way to determine what height the antenna
>thinks it is at without detailed soil and near field analysis.

I'm not so sure if this really is changes in "effective height", or if it
is more a question of the physical soil characteristics altering the ground
reflection coefficients. In other words, the ground plane right under the
antenna is at the same place, but its loss profile is different, so it has
a different effect. I also note that Leeson says in his book that, for
horizontal antennas, the reflection occurs at the discontinuity between air
and ground, so that the ground characteristics in the Fresnel zone have
relatively much less effect on pattern formation than one would otherwise

Reminds me of a cute trick that John Belrose came up with. to determine
ground characteristics at a given location, he would very precisely cut a
dipole and mount it at a low height above ground. Then he would tweak the
ground parameters in his modeling software till it agreed with the
empirical behavior of the dipole, et voila! -- he knew the key ground
parameters and could then plug them into all his models for antennas to be
used there.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
07-Mar-2000 John VE1JS Scott
* 07-Mar-2000 Pete Smith
06-Mar-2000 Natan Huffman
06-Mar-2000 Stephen Carroll
06-Mar-2000 Alan Kaul
This Author (Mar-2000)
  Subject   Date  
* C-19-XR 07-Mar-2000
re C4S 09-Mar-2000