get to the antenna (yet)< I thoughtI'd throw out some more information. - The antenna has been up 1-1/2 years. - The antenna is mounted ~10 feet above the roof of my 75 year old house on a Alinco roof tower. - The feedline is 75 feet of Belden 9913, with a short (6 ft) jumper of 9913 from the F12 balun to the main feedline. - A 2m short vertical is mounted to the mast just above the yagi The antenna has worked well for quite some time. In recent weeks, its characteristics seem to have changed. The F/S and to a lesser degree the F/B performance continues to be quite good. The gain characteristics seem to have degraded. Often times, the dipole that sits above the yagi by 20 feet outperforms or is at least as good as the yagi. It's not consistent, but certainly noticeable. Note that the SWR has changed, too. The SWR curves seem to have changed. 14.025 = 2.0:1 (was 1.3:1) 14.125 = 1.4:1 (was 1.1:1) 14.225 = 1.1:1 (was 1.25:1) 14.325 = 1.2:1 (was 1.6:1) 21.025 = 1.2:1 (was 1.4:1) 21.125 = 1.2:1 (was 1.2:1) 21.225 = 1.2:1 (was 1.5:1) 21.325 = 1.2:1 (was 1.1:1) 28.025 = 2.8:1 (was 2.8:1) 28.125 = 2.1:1 (was 2.5:1) 28.225 = 1.6:1 (was 2.0:1) 28.325 = 1.3:1 (was 1.8:1) 28.425 = 1.1:1 (was 1.5:1) 28.525 = 1.1:1 (was 1.3:1) 28.625 = 1.1:1 (was 1.2:1) I'm not certain if I'm splitting hairs here, but the performance certainly doesn't SEEM to be what it once was. It has been windy here (40 mph winds were not uncommon in January and February), and it has been suggested that water migration in the coax might be a problem. Any other thoughts or suggestions are appreciated! Thanks in advance, Eric W3DQ Washington, DC -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force 12 Web site: http://www.qth.com/force12 Submissions: send to Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail to Force12Talk-leave@qth.com Force12Talk Message Archive: http://www.qth.com/force12/list/force12talk For problems with the list, contact force12@qth.com |
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