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Subject: Yagis and Rivets
Author: <>
Date: 16-Mar-2000 09:55:00
In a message dated 03/16/2000 7:14:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> As far as the possibility of using the wrong blind rivet, well that's
> possible, but I used what was sent to me from the manufacturer. The initial
> installation resulted in tight joints. Also, some of the elements had
> factory preriveted sections. These are loose too. The big rivets holding
> element brackets to the boom are still tight. Oh well, I guess I'll just
> sigh, remove all the rivets (fun job), replace them, and hope for the best.
This is an interesting topic. While I've installed hundreds of F12
antenna rivets, I haven't encountered any longterm (or short-term) problems
with them loosening up.

I wonder if putting rivets on the opposite side as redundant fastening
would help. Maybe putting a little opposition tension on them would help -
this is a theory. Another thing you could do is to put in a TEK screw to
backup the rivets. (A TEK screw is a chisel-tip, self-tapping sheet metal
screw. Get the ones with Phillips heads and they install in a couple of
seconds with yoiur cordless drill. I haven't seen one of those come loose.)
Use of the TEK screw to me is a faster and better method than using a hacksaw
to cut the ends of the elements and then using hose clamps in the traditional
method (a LOT of retro work!).

As far as replacing them, it couldn't be easier. Use your cordless drill
with a 1/8" bit and they drill out in a couple of seconds.

Maybe we'll hear from Tom, N6BT, on this topic. Maybe not.

Cheers, Steve K7LXC

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* 16-Mar-2000
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Antenna in tree 05-Mar-2000
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Force12Talk Digest for 21 Mar 2000 in hour 0:00 21-Mar-2000
* Yagis and Rivets 16-Mar-2000