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Subject: Recommendations
Author: Natan Huffman <>
Date: 03-Apr-2000 11:49:24
Good Morning,

Very often, I am asked for specific opinions or for a recommendation
pertaining to what I loosely call a "safety issue." A request for mast
composition or for a tower recommendation or for an opinion about tower
ratings is a very difficult thing for me to answer. Unfortunately, in this
day of regulations, litigation and liability concerns, I can only give
advice about Force 12 products when asked on a public forum.

If you have inquiries of a safety issue nature, I will unfortunately not be
able to share my experience and will try to direct inquiries to the
manufacture of the tower, mast. etc.

It's a sign of the times as Pet Clark used to say!

Natan W6XR
Force12 East
Ithaca, NY

p.s. my "private" E-mail address is Natan@QTH.COM

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
03-Apr-2000 Pete Smith
* 03-Apr-2000 Natan Huffman
This Author (Apr-2000)
  Subject   Date  
40 meter N elements & 72 ohm 08-Apr-2000
C4S 02-Apr-2000
De-bugging Presentation 16-Apr-2000
Debugging an antenna system 15-Apr-2000
F12 C4SXL .. Tuning .. 15-Apr-2000
nuts 05-Apr-2000
* Recommendations 03-Apr-2000