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Subject: 40 meter N elements & 72 ohm
Author: Pete Smith <>
Date: 08-Apr-2000 13:33:29
At 02:15 PM 4/8/00 -0700, Natan Huffman wrote:
>Anyone using 72 ohm CATV hardline successfully?

Yes, indeed. In my installation (C-3 + EF-240S), I use multiple half-waves
of 72-ohm CATV. On the shack end is 50 feet of RG-213, while on the
antenna end is my remote switch, with RG-213 up the tower to the antennas.
I realize that the 1/2 wavelength solution is imperfect as a repeater of
the input impedance, particularly when fairly large frequency excursions
are involved, as on 10 meters. I cut mine for a multiple of 160 meters
(actually 1750 khZ), then measured it at 28 mhz using an Autek RF-1. I
used an RG-11 pigtail at the tower end to make the length as precise as

Measured line loss at 10m of < 1 db., plus excellent swr bandwidth on all
bands, are the proof of the pudding for me. Bandwidths are per spec. Just
for fun, I am building up a pair of 75:50 ohm UNUNS to see whether the
performance improves in any measurable way with a fully-matched feedline.
So far, for me, simpler is better.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
12-Apr-2000 Guy K2AV Olinger
* 08-Apr-2000 Pete Smith
08-Apr-2000 Natan Huffman
This Author (Apr-2000)
  Subject   Date  
* 40 meter N elements & 72 ohm 08-Apr-2000
40m at 50' (Island QTH) 15-Apr-2000
C3E model needed 13-Apr-2000
EF series retrofit possible? 20-Apr-2000
Recommendations 03-Apr-2000