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Subject: F12 C4SXL Assembly and Tuning Love Story
Author: Tony <>
Date: 14-Apr-2000 22:08:10
Hi all,
Now that there is a Force12Talk reflector...

Has anyone else had trouble tuning the 40 meter section? Was your experience similar? Any speculation as to the cause?

Thanks & good DX,

73, Tony
Tony Armendariz, AD6ID

>Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:57:54 -0700
>To: Stuart Browne <>
>From: Tony <>
>Subject: Re:F12 C4XL Assembly and Tuning Love Story
>In-Reply-To: <>
>Hi Stu,
> I just put together a C4SXL with a nearly identical experience to yours. I'm still waiting for an answer from N6BT on why the 40M adjustment was so far off. Instead of 14" I wound up at 24" on the driver's linear loading to get a 1.3 SWR at 7.080 (measured at 30 ft thru 70 feet of coax). Before making this adjustment, we verified the dimensions of all 40M elements (tilt-over tower); they were right on.
> Where did your adjustment wind up? Got any theories?
> I also found the factory tuning on 10 M to be at 29.0 MHz. An odd place to need a beam, don'tcha think. Anyway, 2 holes and 4 rivits later I'm centered at 28.4 MHz.
> I broke one of the Aluma-Weld wires, too.
> I was able to use mine in CQWWphone and run some DX in between. In the contest I got 20 countries in < 1 hour. Hunting DX with the webcluster, I can have QSOs with weak DX that I cannot even hear on a ladder fed dipole.
> I love it.
>cheers & 73, Tony
>Tony Armendariz, AD6ID
>>-------- Original Message --------
>>Subject: [TowerTalk] F12 C4XL Assembly and Tuning Love Story
>>Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:21:30 -1000
>>From: Stuart Browne <>
>>To: towertalk <>
>>I assembled all of the elements and the boom in my driveway and then
>>carried everything up to my roof. The roof is only slightly sloped so
>>its perfect for assembling beams. I used three plastic/foldedable saw
>>horses which I layed out and assembled the boom on. Then I added the C3
>>and C4 elements, the C4 40 meter "spreaders", and after a little head
>>scratching (the photos in the assembly manual were hard to read) the
>>Aluma-weld wire and the linear loading elements for the 40 m elements.
>>On the 40 m reflector I snapped two of the Aluma-Weld 40 m elements
>>connecting them to the spreader. I called F12, and they sent me a free
>>set of replacements via 2nd day air so I had a few extra days of
>>Using the MFJ analyzer I checked the VSWR on the C3 portion of the beam
>>and all of the VSWR was 1:1 or 1:2...right on the frequencies where I
>>want to operate. The C4 portion of the beam took a little time to "tune
>>and prune" . Tuning which consists of setting the linear loading
>>elements per the manual and the adjusting them for the frequency you
>>want. The frequency as per the book setting where I found unity was 6.3
>>mHz., a little out of band even for KH6 ! It took less than an hour to
>>adjust the linear loading elements and the hair pin matching coil until
>>I found a 1:1 reading at 7.1 mHz.
>>73's and Aloha,

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F12 C4SXL .. Tuning .. 15-Apr-2000
* F12 C4SXL Assembly and Tuning Love Story 14-Apr-2000