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Subject: Salt water enhancement
Author: Ralph Parker <>
Date: 01-May-2000 15:47:36
K2KW recently said:
>I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but salt water does NOTHING to enhance
>a horizontally polarized signal (well, almost nothing, maybe about 0.1 dB
>advantage per the models). The only advantage of being close to salt water
>in this case would be no noise sources in that direction, and a pretty view.

Not easy for me to accept. I live on a peninsula, about 220' ASL, with salt
water about 2 miles to my west and 3 miles to my east. My buddy lives 20
miles away, 50' ASL on the east side of a small island, with his tower
about 100' from the shore line, and nothing but salt water for 20 miles
from 330 degrees to 150 degrees azimuth. We have identical 50' towers and
modest (nameless) trapped tribanders, similar 6 and 2 meter antennas, and
similar wire antennas for 160 - 40 meters.
On all bands, 160 to 2 meters, he is consistently able to work stations
that I can hardly hear. I'd guess the difference to be in excess of 6 db.
At no time do I have an advantage, so we have ruled out the usual
propagation variables (small footprint, etc). On HF, I'm using an FT-990
and he's using an FT-1000D, both barefoot.
He's been active at this location for a year, but we've been wrestling with
the airwaves for over 30 years, and like to think we know what we're doing.
I hope my new soon-to-be-erected Force 12 antenna will recover a db or so.


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This Thread
  Date   Author  
06-May-2000 barry kirkwood
01-May-2000 K2KW
* 01-May-2000 Ralph Parker
This Author (May-2000)
  Subject   Date  
* Salt water enhancement 01-May-2000
Spacers 16-May-2000