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Subject: C31/Warc antenna stacking distances
Author: Wally Klinger <>
Date: 31-May-2000 13:19:28
Good Morning to the list,

I am in the process of putting up a new tower (long story), and I am looking
for some input on stacking distances.

I will be ordering within a few days a C31XR and either order or be given a
WARC beam (from a friend of mine). If I order the WARC from force12 it will
be the warc 2/2/1, or if given the other beam it will be the cushcraft
A3WARC. A friend of mine in CT has 6 feet between his two antennas without
problems (so he says).

Anyone out here play with stacking distances to eliminate interaction? It
was suggested to be 12 feet, but has anyone used larger (or shorter)
distances? I was MAYBE also going to put a 40 meter dipole between the two
antennas (parallel to the booms...... Any thoughts/ideas/distances?

For the C31 users, anything I need to pay particular attention to regarding
assembly?? Any pitfalls or common mistakes?

I am replacing a TH11 that came down in a tornado 2 weeks ago. I hear good
things about the C31 and I am looking forward to getting back on the air
ASAP.... Too damn quiet in the shack without the S-line on!!!!

73's--Wally Klinger W9BEA
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31-May-2000 Larry
* 31-May-2000 Wally Klinger
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* C31/Warc antenna stacking distances 31-May-2000