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Subject: C3SS
Author: Roger Doran <>
Date: 14-Jun-2000 23:29:46
> Ray wrote:
> Roger,
> I read you're e-mail on the force-12 reflector about the force-12 C3SS
> antenna.
> I have a C3ss on order and it should arrive next week. Have been
> waiting 5 weeks
> for it. You're comments on the antenna excites me, will be installed
> on a Rohn
> 30 foot tower, should perform good. Any suggestions on assembly or
> anything about the antenna. Once installed maybe we can work 20 meters
> or ?
> Ray

Absolutely Ray;
Well, one thing - Dayton happened and as you may know each antenna is
built at the factory and fully assembled and then sent on to you to
assure excellent quality control.
1. Read directions over and over after you look at the parts till you
feel you thoroughly understand what they are saying.

2. There is, or was in my book a bad direction- my book # is dwC3SS1.001
Force 12 C-3SS(/D)- if yours is different
the misdirection may not be there. Starting page 6 of 14 #16 d)- it
states that el 3 the 10 meter reflector has extra holes for vswr
adjustment. It does not. It has the normal 3 holes for rivets. I did not
mention this to Natan and he may disagree with me, and if so I would
like to hear from him. But the manual also states in other areas that
VSWR is adjusted with the 10 and 15M drivers and the 20 Meter Loading.
The elements that will adjust with rivet hole placement are the 10 meter
driver and the 15 meter driver and the instructions are correct - I
would set it up as stated unless you know you will work a particular
part of the band - mine as normal has low vswr through most of both
bands. The 20 meter driver vswr is adjusted by moving the loading

3. The instructions on the 20M loading devices and the pictures of the
devices show them in an absolute horizontal plane. They do this starting
with #1 for the 20M reflector and #1 sub 6} and #24 sub 29. This is
correct. And the loading will look horizontal and do also in pictures of
it in the manual, or nearly so. THEN, Section lll # 7} it tells you to
mount the 20M reflector, and the drivers so that the machine screws are
at a 45 degree angle. See also pictures in Feedpoint Detail. When you do
this the loading also swivels to about a 45 degree angle on the 20 meter
driver and reflector. I DID talk to Natan about this and he said that
the reason for the rotation was to keep the feedpoint screw heads far
away from the boom, which this does. Natan also said that the 45 degree
angle of the loading would have no effect and I have seen none- tho I
have made no comparisons as it is mounted and working like a KW amp.

4. Make sure the measurements are exact - that's why they build the beam
for you. Double check measurements prior to riveting and all rivets
should fit exactly as the manual says.

5. You will love the mounting method of the beam to the mast - simple
and ingenious and maybe patented at this time.

You will love the beam. Call 800# if you would like to check order

I used to write Tech Manuals for the Air Force and was darned good at
it. I would like to get my hands on the the for the C3XX and others - Of
course, I would need the antennas and a proper tower to make sure of my
writing, Hi, but quite serious if you are reading Natan.

Write me back at Talk with any other concerns and progress.

Enjoy, and one extra note as I am picky - too picky - you left the
Subject Line blank and that has a tendency to bury emails in certain
Roger Doran, W1MZA, On
The RockBound Coast of Maine
So Much To Learn........ So Little Time........

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