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Subject: Elements not at DC ground potential?
Author: Jason Hissong <>
Date: 15-Jul-2000 19:59:05
Hello again from a prospective customer!

I have been reading some things about the F12 antennas and just wanted to
see if the elements not being at DC ground potential is a problem (assuming
of course the feedline is grounded along with the tower). Will this expose
me to increased Lighting risks?

Just trying to be safe and not sorry :) I really think I will be going for
F12 antennas. Just making the decision on what antenna to get! I have been
really banking on the C3SS, but some recommend the C3E instead.... oh the
decisions!!! :)



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* 15-Jul-2000 Jason Hissong
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C3 over Cushcraft A4 08-Jul-2000
* Elements not at DC ground potential? 15-Jul-2000