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Subject: C31XR
Author: N2TK <>
Date: 01-Aug-2000 06:54:18
I have a C31XR on order. Was wondering if the factory dimensions are correct
or if you have to play with the dimensions or wires between the driven
elements to get the antenna to resonate in the middle of the bands?
Also have the Mag240N and Warc7 on order. The plan is to have 10' separation
with the Warc7 at the top and the Mag240N in the middle with the C31 at the
bottom. This order was selected to minimize interaction between the
antennas. Any comments on the order of the antennas or any problems or
issues I should be aware of in order to minimize any surprises or resonance

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
01-Aug-2000 L. L. Lamb
* 01-Aug-2000 N2TK
01-Aug-2000 c penna
24-Jul-2000 WA9ALS - John
24-Jul-2000 Roger Huntley
18-Mar-2000 Martin Riederer
This Author (Aug-2000)
  Subject   Date  
* C31XR 01-Aug-2000