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Subject: duobander
Author: <>
Date: 25-Aug-2000 01:00:15
Started last year with an EF240 but f/b ratio was not satisfying for europe
(small band, high qrm from
broadcaststations). New design of reflector frequency improved it a little
bit in our 100 kc part of 40 m.
Than got a EF140 and put it together with the EF240 on a new (own) boom,
because there was no upgrade kit.
Got the design frequencies (Mag340) from Nathan (thanks), but same as EF240
I was not happy with.
Antenna design covers 300 kc of the band and when using only 100 kc as here
in europe you do not get
what would be possible.
Computing a new design, I´m running the elements now on a boom of 11.55 m
with new tuned parasitics. (antennaheight 17 m)
(It runs very nice, always more than 1.5 s-units better than a 85 m
double-zepp up 20 m)

Now I started to put on the same boom 4 elements for 15 m. "boomlength" here
about 9.55 m, that means 2nd director and reflector are just in1 m distance
of the 40 m parasitics. Driver and first director
in a distance of approxiately 1.5 m from the 40 m driver.
Tuning the elements is just a hard job !
They are much longer than they should be and sometimes it is quite difficult
to find the (right) resonant frequency.

I would be interested in some comments about EF240 or MAG340.
I do not know european users, if they have/ had also "problems" with F/b.
Anyone tuned up the yagi to
new frequencies ?

Is there anyone who made some experience with (building) tuning duobandyagis


Frank, DL4KQ

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* 25-Aug-2000
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* duobander 25-Aug-2000