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Subject: EF-240X Tuning
Author: Charles T. Allen <>
Date: 18-Sep-2000 11:41:54
I installed a new model EF-240X on a 90 foot tower, on a mast 12 feet below
a C-19XR. The jumpers on the linear loading wires had been connected during
assembly to be 15 inches away from the stand-off for the reflector and 25
inches for the driver. Initial tests after installation indicated that it
resonated somewhere around 6.8 mhz, and had a VSWR of 2.75 at 7.010, rising
to over 3.0 at 7.200. I could discern no F/B ratio on DX signals.

This past Saturday we suspended the boom from a pulley on the mast, using a
sling wrapped around the boom, so that the elements could be pulled in
toward the tower. We then removed the jumper wire from the reflector, and
one end of the coil on the driven element. This was to de-couple the
elements. We then adjusted the jumpers on the linear loading wires while
measuring the resonant point on the reflector using an antenna analyzer
belonging to K5YA (don't know the model, but it is not the MFJ).

We found that it took more than 4 inches of adjustment away from the
stand-off for each end of the jumpers, on both sides of the boom. We tuned
the reflector in this manner to resonate at 6.920, per the manual. We found
similar large adjustments needed for the driver to make it resonate at

This makes me wonder about the original settings specified in the manual. I
note that a single manual is provided for EF-240 standard, EF-240 heavy
duty, and EF-240 X (long boom) models. The EF-240 model has a 16 foot boom,
while the EF-240X has a 24 foot boom. Yet there is no difference mentioned
in the assembly instructions as to the jumper settings. I would think that
the difference in boom length would affect the coupling between the
elements, and thus, the resonance points. To have identical jumper settings
for the two models make no sense to me.

After our adjustments, the antennas resonates at 7.080, with VSWR 1.0 at
that point (after fiddling with the driver coil). At 7.000 VSWR shows 1.25,
while at 7.250 is rises to 2. This appears to be consistent with the
expected results.

However, I still am not convinced that there is much F/B. Admittedly, I
have had little time to observe it, but this morning I was listening to a
loud JA pile-up for HO1A on 7.005, and it made little difference in signal
strength whether the antenna was on the JAs or HO1A.

Have others experienced similar problems in tuning the EF-240X by factory

Any comments appreciated.

73 de Chas W5DV

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* 18-Sep-2000 Charles T. Allen
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* EF-240X Tuning 18-Sep-2000