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Subject: Unsubscribing, etc.
Author: Pete Smith <>
Date: 04-Oct-2000 00:27:26
For the sake of Natan's sanity, please address any messages about
unsubscribing or other administrative issues to me, *not* to

The procedure for unsubscribing is spelled out at the bottom of every
message received from Force12talk. If you follow those instructions and
continue to get messages after a few hours, the most likely reason is that
you have tried to unsubscribe from a different address than the one listed
on the reflector. This is not permitted by the software to prevent
unauthorized unsubscribing by people other than the subscriber.

To check, look at the header of a Force12talk message and see which address
the list manager is sending your mail to. Then look to make sure that the
"From:" line in the header of messages FROM you is the same as the address
Force12talk has. If it is, unsubscribing should work fine. To check this,
you can send yourself a message, or look in the setup options of your
e-mail program (sometimes, it's called your "return address").

If you can no longer use the address Force12talk has, or can't figure out
how to do what I've described above, send me a message and I'll take care
of unsubscribing you.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
* 04-Oct-2000 Pete Smith
This Author (Oct-2000)
  Subject   Date  
C3SS vs. C3S on 6 and 17 Meters 24-Oct-2000
Florida Ham fights UV - uses tape??????????? 24-Oct-2000
Force12Talk Roof-mounted C3/4 26-Oct-2000
preventing icing 14-Oct-2000
preventing icing 14-Oct-2000
* Unsubscribing, etc. 04-Oct-2000
Whats all this "ICE" talk? 15-Oct-2000