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Subject: 80m four square completed
Author: Les Peters <>
Date: 16-Oct-2000 15:53:23
With the unseasonably warm fall temps this past weekend I was finally
!!! able to finish my 80m four square array. The array uses four
FORCE12 #EF-180BV verticals with a Comtek Systems phasing box. Each
vertival uses four 1/4 wavelength radials elevated about 8 feet above
ground. The array is installed in a wooded area and some of the nearby
trees are in the 60 foot range.

Having read the FORCE12 EF-180BV advanced installation notes, I tuned
pairs of radials for 3.660 MHz and then each antenna for the same.
Based on the installation notes I expected the array to shift up to
around 3.790 MHz but it barely shifted at all. I retuned each antenna
to around 3.790 MHz and the array then resonated at 3.812 - 3.822 MHz
(depending on direction) with about a 5% power dump. Saturday afternoon
(one hour before sunset) I began testing and worked G0NVD. He was S9
off the front of the array dropping to S5 (barely above the noise level)
off the back. I'm told this equates to about 20 dB F/B. Comparisions
with KC1XX who uses a pair of quads up 200+ feet were that he was about
10 dB louder then I was with comparable output power. Sounds like
everything is working well.

Sunday I decided to fine tune the array so that it resonated below 3.800
MHz rather than above it. The fine tuning process was difficult and at
times I wondered if I was doing more harm then good. In the end the
array resonates between 3.793 and 3.797 MHz and shifted up 24 - 30 KHz.
The final test data is below.

DIRECTION Fr (single ant) Fr (array) DUMP PWR.

NE 3.764 MHz 3.794 MHz 3.0
% 30 KHz
SE 3.769 MHz 3.793 MHz 5.0
% 24 KHz
SW 3.770 MHz 3.794 MHz 2.5
% 24 KHz
NW 3.764 MHz 3.797 MHz 4.5
% 26 KHz

Special thanks go to Jim Fisher VE1JF, Jim K4SQR, and Tom N6BT for their
technical support and encouragement. I recommend anyone putting up a
four square up to consider using a Comtek box.

Les Peters, N1SV

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
16-Oct-2000 David Aslin
16-Oct-2000 Les Peters
* 16-Oct-2000 Les Peters
This Author (Oct-2000)
  Subject   Date  
75 / 80m Four square installation using EF-180BV 09-Oct-2000
75 / 80m Four square installation using EF-180BV verts & Comtek box 03-Oct-2000
80m four square completed 16-Oct-2000
* 80m four square completed 16-Oct-2000
C31XR and 402CD Spacing 11-Oct-2000
Results CQWW-SSB N1SV (4-square update) 30-Oct-2000