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Subject: C-31XR 1 vs 3 Coax Feeds --- EF-417 Spacing
Author: <>
Date: 24-Oct-2000 17:09:57
I've had a C31XR up for a year now configured as a 1 coax feed antenna. The
feed system for 1 feed is VERY sensitive. If you don't build it exactly the
way the manual tells you, it won't work. I deviated from the manual only by
rotating the 20m feed by a few degrees (45). The result was that 15 meters
resonated at 20.2 MHz. 10 and 20 were OK. After playing with the two wire
spacers and the hairpin coil for a few hours, I was able to achieve
reasonable 15M operation, but then 20M resonated at 14.45 MHz. Due to my
inability to do tower work, its stayed that way until this last weekend.

I dropped the tower (tilt-over crankup) and re-configured the C31 for 3 coax
feeds. The manual says that this involves moving the 15 driven back to an
alternative boom position (check!). It also says to remove the 4 inch element
tips of the 15 driven (ok, I have a drill, check!). It also says to lengthen
the 20 driven by 7.5 inches by using the alternative element tips. (oops.. my
C31 didn't come with any alternative tip pieces and the existing tip pieces
aren't long enough to telescope out that much).

Of course, I hadn't read that detail before dropping the antenna and starting
the project. What to do? I drilled out the 20M element tips and re-rivited
them to be 3 inches longer which is as much as I could get. Then I reused the
4 inch tips removed from the 15 driven by riveting them to the 20 driven.
Kludgy, but effective. Probably not recommended in high wind QTHs.

Its back up in the air and works great! SWR in the CW bands of 20, 15, and
10 are all 1.2:1 or less. The 20 driven looks funny with the larger diameter
tips, but it works!

The advantage of individual feeds are:
1. ease of assembly and tuning

Disadvantages are:
1. need a bigger coax switch at the tower

Can't recommend a spacing for the EF417, but it will probably affect the C31
15 meter pattern. Farther away is better.

73, Al AD6E

In a message dated 10/22/2000 8:47:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I have a C-31XR and EF-417 on order. My question is what are the
or disadvantages of using 1 or 3 coax feeds? I have no plans on using more
that one transceiver at a time. In addition, what is the optimum spacing
between the C-31XR and the EF-417 17M yagi?

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  Date   Author  
* 24-Oct-2000
22-Oct-2000 Pat Thurman
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22-Oct-2000 Ted Huf
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  Subject   Date  
* C-31XR 1 vs 3 Coax Feeds --- EF-417 Spacing 24-Oct-2000
C31XR and 402CD Spacing 11-Oct-2000