writes: > From: "Bill Roberts" <k8dxx@home.com> > To: <Force12Talk@qth.com> > Subject: [Force 12 Talk] C4SLX Experiences > Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 22:29:45 -0700 > > Greetings, > > I live in an area where antennas can not rise more than 12 feet above the > roof. I currently use a HyGain TH3MK4 on a 4.5 foot Glen Martin tower > mounted on the second story of our home. The TH3 does amazingly well but to > want better is to be both human and a ham! > > I am contemplating getting a 9 FT, 18.5 sq. ft. capacity Glen Martin tower, > placing a C4SLX just about the tower and some satellite antennas 3 ft above > the C4SLX. I have been a ham for 37 years so I have my own theories as to > whether its worth my effort and expense. However, what are YOUR experiences > with the C4SLX? > > In general, how is its performance compared to the common trapped 3 element > tribander (regardless of height, a factor that I can't change)? For > example, have you replaced one of the common 3 element models with a C4 at > the same height? What differences did you notice? Hi, Bill -- While anecdotal info can be interesting and informative, the tribander comparison report that N0AX and myself wrote is the only on-the-air performance report. We only tested on 3L trap tribander (the TA-33) but suspect the results for others (A3, TH3, etc.) may be similar. The C3 was significantly better and the comment in our report is that "it thinks it's a bigger antenna". You won't regret installing one. > > How well does it work on 17? I'd assume you need a tuner. How about > directivity? Notice much in actual use? Anecdotal info from my customers indicates that they're having success and fun on 17M with a tuner. > How does it work on 40? Like N6BT says, a horizontal dipole is a great antenna. The drawback to the F12 design is bandwidth - about 130 kHz - but it's a simple effective way to get on 40M. I'd recommend it. > I realize that being at just over 40 feet and 10 > feet above a shingle roof will degrade performance and possibly, bandwidth > (ouch). Anyone out there with experience on 40 with a roof mounted C4SLX? I've installed about a half-dozen C3 variants on 9-foot GME roofmounts and they all worked great for the compromises involved. > Right now, I have a GAP Voyager IV vertical (45 ft vertical dipole---doesn't > have a concrete base so they leave it alone, despite the height) which kicks > butt on 40. It may still do so compared to a roof mounted beam on extreme > DX. What about the stations in between? How well does the C4SLX hear on 40 > compared to a dipole, your old vertical, etc? The GAP will obviously do better for low angle DX so with both antennas you'll have a choice between low and high angle - a winning combination. Cheers, Steve K7LXC Champion Radio Products Tower Tech -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force 12 Web site: http://www.qth.com/force12 Submissions: send to Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail to Force12Talk-leave@qth.com Force12Talk Message Archive: http://www.qth.com/force12/list/force12talk For problems with the list, contact n4zr@qth.com |
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