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Subject: 30 m
Author: Jim Reid <>
Date: 08-Dec-2000 14:17:26

> My questions for the listserve are: Has anyone tried a C4
> class antenna on 30m?

Yes, however, I use the 40 meter element which is
"closer" to 30, than the 20m element. I do not use
the internal tuner of my 1000D, leave it OFF. I use
an external tuner, with the output C element at maximum
capacitance. This insures highest efficiency in this
situation. I have a separate feedline up to the
EF-140S 40 meter rotating element.

The tuner input capacitor is meshed only about 20%,
70 pf, and the inductor is set to about 0.6 uhy.

Resulting swr is 1:1 as far as the rig side of the tuner
is concerned. No problem radiating about 175 watts
using my D at around 10106 kHz with this set up.

Get very nice signal reports from wherever. I assume
the radiation pattern is less than dipole level gain; that is,
that the pattern is closer to circular than cardioid -- just
my guess, as I have not noticed much delta when rotating
the 40 meter EF-140S element when operating on
30 meters.

Good luck and 73, Jim, KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kaua'i

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
08-Dec-2000 Jim Reid
* 08-Dec-2000 Jim Reid
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30 m 08-Dec-2000
* 30 m 08-Dec-2000