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Subject: 30 m
Author: Jim Reid <>
Date: 08-Dec-2000 15:00:04
Earlier, I posted:

> Yes, however, I use the 40 meter element which is
> "closer" to 30, than the 20m element. I do not use
> the internal tuner of my 1000D, leave it OFF. I use
> an external tuner, with the output C element at maximum
> capacitance. This insures highest efficiency in this
> situation. I have a separate feedline up to the
> EF-140S 40 meter rotating element.
> The tuner input capacitor is meshed only about 20%,
> 70 pf, and the inductor is set to about 0.6 uhy.

Please note that the above tuner settings are required
to match the Z seen at the end of my coax here in the
shack; it contains a very low real part, R. That is why
the output capacitor is set to max, or 350 pF. This should
always be the case when the R part of the Z at the shack
end is below, say around 25 ohms or lower to keep
the power transfer efficiency as high as possible.

Best that you actually measure the Z input to the line
that is seen in your shack; the end of the line you
will connect to the tuner output. Use an MFJ-259B,
or something similar to learn this impedance; then you'
can set your tuner properly. To really to it correctly,
go the the University of Chicago Tuner Simulator site,
enter your measure line input Z, and the component
values of your tuner, if you know them (see the tuner
manual, for example). The T-network simulator, by W9CF,
will immediately tell you how the tuner components should
be set for lowest swr and highest operating efficiency. The
simulator site URL is:

73, Jim, KH7M

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  Date   Author  
* 08-Dec-2000 Jim Reid
08-Dec-2000 Jim Reid
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* 30 m 08-Dec-2000
30 m 08-Dec-2000