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Subject: C3 info
Author: Dale L Martin <>
Date: 14-Dec-2000 01:20:15

> << Would you rather have the exact diameter and wall
> thickness and cut to the right length for maybe a buck more or perhaps a
> buck
> less because of having to buy standard lengths. I love to
> scrounge also,
> but
> not for this stuff. I suppose if you live in a town where there
> is aluminum
> like this available and you can't wait a week. . . . . .
> >>
> I had to buy replacement elements from F12 after my C3 was
> damaged. They do
> NOT cut the elements to the appropriate length. They just sell
> you the raw
> stock. They explained this to me by pointing out that each F12
> antenna is
> "built" at the factory, i.e., holes are pre-drilled, etc.
> You have to drill the rivet holes yourself and measure the elements.

And the big deal is? Everyone knows each antenna is individually
constructed and the rivet holes drilled in unique locations.

The manual (you remember the manual?) does give the element segment lengths,
so it shouldn't take much to cut them to appropriate lengths and put the
antenna back together.

Or am I missing an important point here?

dale, kg5u


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This Thread
  Date   Author  
14-Dec-2000 force12e
* 14-Dec-2000 Dale L Martin
12-Dec-2000 Paul Womble
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* C3 info 14-Dec-2000