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Subject: Linear Loading
Author: Bill Vogler <>
Date: 14-Dec-2000 14:08:46
Hello -

I just got back into ham radio from a long layoff (1981). Around 1982 I did
graduate work at the MSEE level and took quite a few courses in
electromagnetic theory and antennas. In those courses I don't remember any
references to linear loading.

What is linear loading? After reading both the ARRL antenna handbook and
ON4UN's low band dxing book it appears that linear loading is some black
magic technique to make an antenna mechanically shorter. Are there any
references available that discuss this both intuitively and theoretically so
I could have a better feel on what is going on? Is linear loading the
accepted name in academia, or is it referred to by some other name?

Secondly, how do the designers at F12 and other companies model the linear
loading circuits? Do they model it as discrete circuit components and throw
in some 'fudge' factors, or is there some analysis codes that can handle
this situation? Boy that would be fun modeling my c4sxl with the electric
field integral equation (EFIE) from scratch. I think I'll get right on that.


Bill, w6qd

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
14-Dec-2000 Barry Kirkwood
14-Dec-2000 Charlie Ocker
* 14-Dec-2000 Bill Vogler
This Author (Dec-2000)
  Subject   Date  
EF-240230 13-Dec-2000
EF-240230 12-Dec-2000
* Linear Loading 14-Dec-2000