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Subject: RF In the shack
Author: Habberfield Mark & Marcia <>
Date: 16-Dec-2000 07:55:44

I have recently installed a 40m add-on kit to my C3. Ever since I have had
RF feed back. I have used the balluns that F12 recomends, everything is
grounded in the shack. I have tried an RF choke at the rig. I have been
through my shack disconnecting 1 thing at a time trying to nail down the
culpret. Any ideas?? My rig is a Kwood TS850s, I have a Phone patch and
Rigblaster in the system.


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  Date   Author  
16-Dec-2000 Linda Reynolds
* 16-Dec-2000 Habberfield Mark & Marcia
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* RF In the shack 16-Dec-2000