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Author: Dave Jones <>
Date: 22-Dec-2000 09:47:40
I live in an area where an association controls the "looks" of the community. Antennas are not allowed to be visible. Foce12 has a solution to this problem because the ZR3 is a vertical that is 6 foot tall and is made for 10/15/20 meter operation. I was able to install this unit 1 foot above the ground and camoflauge it with a lattice fence and a greenhouse cover to make the area look like a hot house for plants. I have been able to reach all the states, Canada, DX to Europe & South America. All I have is a 100 watts using the Yaesu FT840, a really great little radio. I would really like to have a 100 foot tower with the largest multielement beam availiable; but, I have to comply with the rules of the association where I live. Their are many other "hams" in the same situation as I am in and I wanted them to know that there is an antenna that can give high performance results.
KD7KEI, Chandler, AZ
Dave Jones

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* 22-Dec-2000 Dave Jones
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* ZR3 VERTICAL 22-Dec-2000