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Subject: multi-band vertical
Author: force12e <>
Date: 22-Dec-2000 14:28:50
We are developing a multi-band vertical for 40 through 10 meters and would
like to ask the F12 Talk reflector for an opinion. The initial
specification for this product was for it to be a true free standing
product. However, if we make the production model free standing, it will
add significant cost to the product as well as make it twice as heavy. If
we require the use of one set of guys, the price and weight decreases.

Therefore, the question becomes:

Is a free standing product necessary at all considering it would double the
weight and add about $100.00 to the cost of the antenna? This product will
be priced competitively with other commercial multi-band verticals.

Please send your comments to me!


Natan W6XR
Force 12 East
Ithaca, NY

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  Date   Author  
23-Dec-2000 George Sereikas
22-Dec-2000 donty
* 22-Dec-2000 force12e
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C3 info 14-Dec-2000
C3 Tubing 14-Dec-2000
DXpedition University 2001 29-Dec-2000
* multi-band vertical 22-Dec-2000
Vertical Respons 23-Dec-2000