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Subject: 4BA Problems
Author: Stephen P. Hart <>
Date: 22-Dec-2000 15:22:15
1.) My 4BA, mounted 12' below an EF430 (as Force 12 suggested) exhibits an
SWR of 2.3-2.6 across the 12M band. Lowest SWR (1:1) occurs at 24.275Mhz.
I have sent the complete SWR curves for all bands, as requested, to Force
12 & Force 12 East twice, via email over the last two months. No response.
Anyone else having this SWR or lack of feedback problem? The antenna does
exhibit directivity and seems to work satisfactorily.

2.) The 4BA boom has turned in the boom-to-mast clamp causing the elements
to be 5-10 degrees out of horizontal. Have talked to 4 other users (most
with C19 antennas) who have the same problem. Tightening the clamps further
doesn't seem to be a good option so pinning the boom to the mast plate
appears to be the way to go. I have concerns about weakening the boom even
drilling a small hole thru it. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Steve - K8EJ

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* 22-Dec-2000 Stephen P. Hart
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* 4BA Problems 22-Dec-2000