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Subject: C3/C4-VSWR Specs
Author: Pete Smith <>
Date: 25-Dec-2000 13:23:30
My experience is similar -- the antennas meet or exceed specs on all bands.

I'm a little puzzled by the premise of the question -- what is "too high,"
and on what bands? Anything under 2:1 is easily matched by most
transceivers and amplifiers, and doesn't impose significant coax losses if
the length is reasonable and/or if low-loss coax (like 75-ohm CATV is used.
The 2:1 SWR bandwidth on 40 meters is a little narrower than the popular
Cushcraft 40-2CD, which is a 25-30 percent bigger antenna.

73, Pete N4ZR
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This Thread
  Date   Author  
25-Dec-2000 Dale L Martin
25-Dec-2000 ALAN KAUL
* 25-Dec-2000 Pete Smith
25-Dec-2000 Henry Heidtmann
25-Dec-2000 Richard Thorne
25-Dec-2000 BobD
This Author (Dec-2000)
  Subject   Date  
4BA problems 23-Dec-2000
* C3/C4-VSWR Specs 25-Dec-2000