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Subject: Force 12 Antenna Assembly
Author: <>
Date: 31-Dec-2000 00:26:35
31 DEC, 2000 - 0005

Hello Jeff...

The short answer to your question is yes, some people have assembled
antennas on their towers including me.

But be prepared to spend the money to hire professional help if you
want it done safely and correctly. In my case, I had no choice. I
do not have the clear yard space to completely assemble a very large
yagi on the ground - a Force 12 Magnum 2/2 - and hoist it to the top
of my tower.

I used a crane and professional riggers to do the following:

1. Help me tune the two 80 meter elements 75 feet in the air.
2. Install the boom with the two 40 meter elements already attached.
3. Properly connect and tension the boom bridle.
4. Install the two 80 meter elements, one at each end of the boom.
5. Complete the electrical connections between the two relay boxes
and their respective 80 elements.

Step #4 required a rigger to be attached to the crane cable along
with the 80 meter element and install it about 40 ft. above the ground.
He made it look simple and the antenna works as advertised.

The technique may vary depending on the antenna and location. But
unless you have a large, totally clear yard area, assembly on the
tower is probably your only option unless you are prepared to cut
down trees, etc. I chose to keep the trees.

73 - Dick Isely, W9GIG

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
31-Dec-2000 Eric Rosenberg
* 31-Dec-2000
30-Dec-2000 Jeff
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* Force 12 Antenna Assembly 31-Dec-2000