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Subject: C-31XR Balun ... de K8NA
Author: WA9ALS - John <>
Date: 10-Jan-2001 21:08:44
I can only say that I used the B-1 balun with my C31XR. I was worried
about it failing under the demands of RTTY contesting. However, after
over a year and many contest hours at KW level power, the B-1 seems to
be as good as new. That said, the coax choke should do well also! GL -
John - VP5RY - VP5/WA9ALS - WA9ALS

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Pauck" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 8:25 PM
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] C-31XR Balun ... de K8NA

> I will be ordering a C-31XR soon.
> In the data sheets on Page 11, it says "All that is needed is a 1:1
> (like the Force 12 B-1) or RF Choke". Has anyone used
> an RF choke in place of the Force -12 B-1 Balun with FORCE 12
> I have been making my own RF Chokes for monobanders for many
> years, using Coax. It is a design originally published in Ham Radio
> Magazine, by W6TC, March 1980. These RF Chokes are excellent,
> and I never have had a problem.
> I have a KLM KT34-XA antenna with the KLM balun.
> The balun died, and the beam is useless. It is on top of the
> tower and on top of the mast. There are other antennas on
> that mast also. It is such a big job to take
> everything down, I figured I would replace the KT34-XA with the
> C-31XR. But I am worried about using a commercial made
> balun. I was told that the KLM balun would never be a problem.
> Well, it is, and will cost me a lot of time and money to fix the
> problem. I don't run super power, so that isn't the reason for
> the balun going bad.
> 73/Good DX ... de Ted K8NA
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  Date   Author  
11-Jan-2001 John Petrich
* 10-Jan-2001 WA9ALS - John
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10-Jan-2001 Hank Phillips
10-Jan-2001 Ted Pauck
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* C-31XR Balun ... de K8NA 10-Jan-2001