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Subject: C-31XR Balun ... de K8NA
Author: <>
Date: 12-Jan-2001 23:06:15
Oops! Sorry...I meant to address Ted's concern about the
commercial baluns failing and threw in the comments about the fringe
benefits of less wind load and fewer birds nests. You'll have to admit
birds have a tough time building in the sealed ferrite beads. This
may be scientific proof that a dumb-bunny that worries about bird nests
and wind load can stumble up on the proper balun anyway ?? The technical
studies offered on the baluns are interesting and informative however.

73 Sandy W4DUP

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 20:00:01 -0800 "John Petrich"
<> writes:
> All,
> Ted's comments and questions about balun function, balun
> reliability,
> and coiled coaxial cable baluns, the "Badger" balun, are interesting

> in the antenna system. The choice of balun is not based on wind
> load,
> resistance to birds nests, or cost, but rather based on conservative
> practice to preserve the desired functional characteristics of the
> antennas.

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
* 12-Jan-2001
11-Jan-2001 John Petrich
10-Jan-2001 WA9ALS - John
10-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
10-Jan-2001 Hank Phillips
10-Jan-2001 Ted Pauck
This Author (Jan-2001)
  Subject   Date  
* C-31XR Balun ... de K8NA 12-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... de K8NA 10-Jan-2001