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Subject: C-31XR Balun ...
Author: Greg Gobleman <>
Date: 13-Jan-2001 23:00:38
Hi John,

I have 5 of the W1JR types in various stages of construction, actually 2 are
done but the problem has been finding a suitable enclosure that isn't too
heavy and still supports the core. Next time the Telrex TB6EM was down I
had decided to replace the coil of RG-213 with one, however, I am now really
thinking about maybe putting up a C36XR instead.

Anyway, I have no direct experience with the Force 12 Balun, only reputation
and that seems to be pretty good. I have observed heating on the W2DU Balun
in 160 inverted V applications and have a bunch of beads from an exploded
W2DU Balun in the drawer. All in kilowatt applications. In 100w use I have
observed heating in the W2AU Balun on a 40m dipole, but that isn't a bead
type Balun. In limited tests I have not yet observed any heating on the
W1JR type but have only tried 40 meters.

I have relied on coax coils for many years now. I constructed a 80m
inverted V one evening and pulled it up the tower. The neighbors were used
to me fooling around in the middle of the night with things like that. Some
quick tests showed I had hit the leg lengths just right and I was DXing.
Well, for a couple of minutes anyway. I fired up the MLA-2500 and it just
loved that antenna. But I kept seeing this bright light out of the corner
of my eye and I would unkey the mic and look but it was gone. I was always
a little slow after midnight and it was approaching 2AM local time. I
finally realized it was connected with my transmissions and keyed the rig
and looked, said my call and the bathroom 10" fluorescent bulb was glowing
brighter than the sun! A fellow told me about putting around 14 turns of
coax at the feedpoint and that cured it. Lot's of talk around the
neighborhood about the strange acting fluorescent bulbs, seems mine wasn't
the only one being lit. Reports came in from up to two blocks away,
although it was so weak they could hardly see it at that distance.:)

I guess the other reason that I have not yet left the coax coil is that I
use so many antennas on multiple frequencies. My 40m rotatable CushCraft
gets used on just about every band with the tuner in the TS850 sometimes.
Can't do that with a ferrite Balun on that antenna. I was kind of wondering
about how the C4 does with the Force 12 Balun on 12 and 17 meters or if that
was not recommended due to the need for a tuner on those bands.

Greg K9ZM

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16-Jan-2001 Dave D'Epagnier
16-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
15-Jan-2001 John Petrich
15-Jan-2001 Ken Hirschberg
15-Jan-2001 Ken Hirschberg
15-Jan-2001 force12e
15-Jan-2001 Barry Kirkwood
15-Jan-2001 Ken Hirschberg
14-Jan-2001 Frank C. Travanty
14-Jan-2001 John Petrich
14-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
14-Jan-2001 John Petrich
14-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
14-Jan-2001 John Petrich
14-Jan-2001 Ken Hirschberg
14-Jan-2001 Greg Gobleman
14-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
* 13-Jan-2001 Greg Gobleman
13-Jan-2001 John Petrich
12-Jan-2001 Edward Avila
12-Jan-2001 Greg Gobleman
This Author (Jan-2001)
  Subject   Date  
C-31XR Balun ... 14-Jan-2001
* C-31XR Balun ... 13-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... 12-Jan-2001