Pleasure to meet you and to receive your factual input on the actual construction of the Force-12 balun series. Are you active and maybe we can QSO sometime. Was wondering what the source of your information about the construction of the Force-12 baluns.? And what theories do you hold regarding the application of baluns to the antenna questions that have been posted? I do wonder what your theories are about the application of the coiled coax, or "Badger" balun, to multiband antennas? I believe that these higher Q baluns may have entirely adequate common mode impedance to decouple feedlines from antennas with low feed point impedances throughout the entire HF range of bands.. However, the wholesale application of these coiled baluns to all antenna applications could be a mistake. Yes, these pieces of transmission lines won't overheat or show visible thermal stress. But, they may not function as effective baluns on all bands due to their higher Q and limited bandwidth compared to the low Q bead balun. What do you think? Regards, John Petrich, W7HQJ -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force 12 Web site: http://www.qth.com/force12 Submissions: send to Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail to Force12Talk-leave@qth.com Force12Talk Message Archive: http://www.qth.com/force12/list/force12talk For problems with the list, contact n4zr@qth.com |