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Subject: 40m yagis
Author: N2TK <>
Date: 15-Jan-2001 12:28:56
Why would the Force12 balun cause the freq to drop down? What did you
replace it with to raise the freq?


-----Original Message-----
From: jack emerson []
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:44 PM
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] 40m yagis

here's a suject i would appreciate some comments about.
i am looking to improve my 40m capabilities. #1 on my list is the force 12
6el 20m/3el40m duobander. does anyone have any first-hand experience with
this one?
also, i see that force 12 now makes a 3el 40m monobander w/longer elements.
just wondering out loud if they plan to make this new version for the 6el
20m/3el 40m?
i use the force 12 7el 15m monobander, and can (proudly) say that it is by
far the best antenna that i have ever bought or built. my comments about it
really do not do it justice, but the dx that i hear with it is consistently
2 s-units or better than what i hear on my 5el monobander at a slightly
lower height.
the only problem that i had with it relates to the current thread about
i elected to use force 12's balun to feed the antenna. a friend of mine in
england had previously told me that when he installed the same balun on his
identical (to mine) antenna, that it had lowered the resonant freq by
well, sure enough, i had the exact same problem. with the balun, the
resonant freq on my antenna was at approximately 20650 kc's. since the
antenna was up 100+ feet on a guyed tower, needless to say , it was not
easy to trim the driver elements to compensate. by the time i had cleared a
path through the woods and hired a commercial crane with a bucket, the cost
of my balun was greater than $350, hi.
moral of the story, next time i'll listen to what my english friend tells
73 and gud dx de jack w4tje in north carolina

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
15-Jan-2001 Jeff Stai WK6I
* 15-Jan-2001 N2TK
15-Jan-2001 jack emerson
This Author (Jan-2001)
  Subject   Date  
* 40m yagis 15-Jan-2001