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Subject: C-31XR Balun ...
Author: <>
Date: 15-Jan-2001 14:00:55
Not to run this thread into the ground, but a couple of comments ...

1. W9JCCs issue with 10 meter standing waves could be caused by either leaky
coax or random wire type pick up from the antenna. Neither of these are balun
issues. It's unlikely that a balun would work better on 15 than on 10 unless
it somehow resonated near 10 which is unlikely (a coax coil could do that if
you'r not careful). I fully suspect he has no real problem.

2. If an antenna has zero SWR, then there will be no standing waves on the
coax with or without a balun. I've used various real world antennas with no
balun and they work fine. The "unwanted" radiation from the coax is NOT
necessarily a bad thing. Given a decent SWR in the first place, the amount
of "undesired" radiation is not going to affect the antenna gain for all
practical purposes. It only fills in the deep nulls a bit. If I happen to
work a ZL off the back or side of the beam, its better than not working him.

That said, I'm still a proponent of using a balun of some sort since its very
useful when the SWR gets a bit higher than optimal and the potential for coax
radiation gets to be more than just minor (like operating 40 SSB when the
antenna is tuned for CW).


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16-Jan-2001 Dave D'Epagnier
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15-Jan-2001 force12e
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15-Jan-2001 Ken Hirschberg
14-Jan-2001 Frank C. Travanty
14-Jan-2001 John Petrich
14-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
14-Jan-2001 John Petrich
14-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
14-Jan-2001 John Petrich
14-Jan-2001 Ken Hirschberg
14-Jan-2001 Greg Gobleman
14-Jan-2001 Pete Smith
13-Jan-2001 Greg Gobleman
13-Jan-2001 John Petrich
12-Jan-2001 Edward Avila
12-Jan-2001 Greg Gobleman
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* C-31XR Balun ... 15-Jan-2001