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Subject: 40m yagis
Author: Jeff Stai WK6I <>
Date: 15-Jan-2001 14:38:51

well, as supplied the balanced side of the B-1 balun for the C3SS has
wires several inches (or cm) long. The assembly instructions caution
that the wires be trimmed to 2.5"/5 cm to prevent low resonance.

I don't what Jack did, but that's one way it could happen.

hope this helps! - 73 - jeff wk6i

N2TK wrote:
> Why would the Force12 balun cause the freq to drop down? What did you
> replace it with to raise the freq?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jack emerson []

> i elected to use force 12's balun to feed the antenna. a friend of mine in
> england had previously told me that when he installed the same balun on his
> identical (to mine) antenna, that it had lowered the resonant freq by
> 500kc's.

jeff stai
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This Thread
  Date   Author  
* 15-Jan-2001 Jeff Stai WK6I
15-Jan-2001 N2TK
15-Jan-2001 jack emerson
This Author (Jan-2001)
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* 40m yagis 15-Jan-2001