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Subject: Case Rests(To balun or not to balun)
Author: <>
Date: 16-Jan-2001 19:26:37
In the light of expert testimony from Al, Dave, and indirectly from LB
and Jim Lindsay, i rest my case. My advise was originally targeted
towards those principally who said they'd experienced failures. It also
was targeted towards anyone else who was interested.
In 100% of the cases where i've experienced r.f. in the shack, i've
resorted to the use of baluns. One case that comes to mind is a dipole or
inverted vee, or such, fed with balanced line to just outside the shack
window where coax then makes the transition and completes the journey
into the shack. Not only does a "bead" balun or coaxial balun work to
keep r.f. out of the shack in instances like this, but it also tends to
choke off computer noises and tv blanking pulses from inside the house
that would otherwise enter your receiver thru the center of the coax.
73 de Roy WA4DOU

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* 16-Jan-2001
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Apologies to all 15-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... 15-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... 15-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... 15-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... 15-Jan-2001
C-31XR Balun ... 15-Jan-2001
* Case Rests(To balun or not to balun) 16-Jan-2001