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Subject: New Product Announcement
Author: Roger Huntley <>
Date: 24-Jan-2001 08:44:06
I agree completely with John/s comments. I just purchased a C31XR and I
have never seen an amateur product that was engineered and manufactured as
well as Force 12 products. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Roger Huntley, W7VV

-----Original Message-----
From: John L. Hammers []
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] New Product Announcement

Natan, just thought you might like to know that the 5BA
I ordered via HRO portland on Dec. 13 arrived today.
At this point all i can say is it shows someone takes
great pride in their work by all the hand engraving
on ALL the boom mounting brackets. i was somewhat
surprised to see that many of the elements were
already assembled and that the element to boom plates
were already attached to the boom. Your elements
show small scratches, that indicate to me that in fact
this antenna has been assembled before shipping.
(just as you {and someone else} advertise)
Your Manual is great, it covers the theory quite well
and the pages showing the detailed construction with
dimensions is excellent. The instruction manual appears
to be very well done and is easy to follow.
I only wish other manufacturers (no name mentioned) would
do the same degree of completeness you guys have done.
John H.

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
24-Jan-2001 Boye Christensen
* 24-Jan-2001 Roger Huntley
23-Jan-2001 John L. Hammers
23-Jan-2001 Natan Huffman
23-Jan-2001 force12e
This Author (Jan-2001)
  Subject   Date  
* New Product Announcement 24-Jan-2001