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Subject: Wind load specifications.
Author: K9TM <>
Date: 26-Jan-2001 21:46:05

This is one item you have to pay attention to with F12. They typically
(based on their own info) give you the wind load as whichever is greater,
boom or element windload.

This is not a real-world wind load. Sure if the wind only hits
perpendicular to the elements or only perpendicular to the boom... it works.
The generally accepted method to calculate wind load for an antenna is the
worse-case windload. This is the square root of the sum of the squares of
the element and boom windload.
If Ae is element windload and Ab is boom windload: SQR( (Ae)^2 + (Ab)^2) ).

One other item on F12 and windload. I have several brochures and web info
and the instruction manual for my F12 antennas. On several major parameters
(windload included) these documents from F12 didn't agree (different values
were given).

I played it safe when I did my installation and looked at the F12 values,
then calculated them for myself and used the "worse-case windload"

73 Tim K9TM
----- Original Message -----
From: "fev" <>
To: "Force 12 talk" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 2:37 PM
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Wind load specifications.

> Dear Natan,
> the Wind load specified by Force 12 for his
> is the same that Rohn Tower use in is Manual or must be multiplied for
> constant or number?.
> Thanks for your help.
> Francisco Lu3eec.
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  Date   Author  
* 26-Jan-2001 K9TM
25-Jan-2001 fev
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* Wind load specifications. 26-Jan-2001