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Subject: Dayton Murphy Marauder reunion
Author: James Nail <>
Date: 22-Feb-2001 07:44:45

I remember those times well even Not as an MM'er. I don't know if we spoke
outside of contests, but I remember your call KID well. I was one of the BADXC
guys back then (Buffalo Area DX Club). I wish sometimes the vanity calls
wouldn't of happened because I don't know who anyone is anymore!! I've been off
the air for about 20 years and now just getting back on with 100W and a
vertical. That too will change...! I don't know if Dayton is in my plans yet
this year, but good to hear and old friend from the early 70's.


force12e wrote:

> Before we all get too old and feeble and prefer to sit at home dressed in
> corduroy pants, flannel shirts and off color suspenders ---- wouldn't it be
> nice to get as many Murphy Marauders as possible together once again? I've
> passed this idea to a few of the dinosaurs and wannabe pre-extinction types
> and there might be some interest. For this years Dayton Hamvention, I would
> like to propose those who remember and were a part of Murphy's halcyon years
> at least sit together at the contesters banquet.
> Some of us had a blast during the early 70's whilst we won two gavels and
> some of the excitement we were all a part of simply has never left me. Some
> of that group is gone forever but those of us who do remember that very
> special time might want to share anecdotes, or at least body noises while
> sharing a fine repast. Perhaps we might even tip a glass to a few members.
> If you are going to Dayton and would like to see how we have "grown up and
> out" please let me know. If you know of a MM'r that might be interested,
> please forward their call and I'll contact them personally. There is still
> a lot of us out there, so don't be shy, please.
> 73
> Natan W6XR/WA1KID
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This Thread
  Date   Author  
* 22-Feb-2001 James Nail
21-Feb-2001 force12e
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* Dayton Murphy Marauder reunion 22-Feb-2001