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Subject: Rivets
Author: <>
Date: 27-Feb-2001 00:45:33
In a message dated 2/26/01 9:59:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> Surprise surprise, yet another story of rivets failing on Force12
> antennas. I've included a couple of quotes from Tom N6BT from July last
> year which make interesting reading. It looks like this isn't as rare a
> situation as Tom claims (I have only seen three F12 antennas close up
> that have been installed for more than a year and ALL have had the rivet
> problem).
It seems to me that the problem with one set of rivets is that it DOES
provide enough room for the elements to work against themselves and the
rivets (the guys in Texas have this problem as well - they used to call KLM
Konstantly Losing Metal). I think that if you did two sets of rivets 180
degrees apart from each other or even three sets spaced every 120 degrees
that you would be able to eliminate any working of the elements. What you
would be doing would be putting opposing forces on the element in the case of
the 180 arrangement and even more security with the 120 degree approach.

Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech

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Force12Talk ZR-3 20-Feb-2001
* Rivets 27-Feb-2001