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Subject: C4SXL
Author: <>
Date: 04-Mar-2001 21:28:17
ZL1DD said: "Any hints on tuning the 40 m linear load system much appreciated."

Tuning is simple: use an MFJ analyzer to see the resonant frequency, then move the Al wire as needed.

One word of warning: If you have any salt in the air be sure to really heavily protect that aluminum wire when you're done and before you climb down. Here at WH6H this weekend, we found the 40M driven element open just before the start of the ARRL DX test. Cause was Aluminum rust at the stand-off holding the Al wire. The stuff was sprayed with good sealant, but the stand off was cracked by too much force when installed a year ago. In one year it turned to powder (QTH is one mile from the beach). The Al covered wire was only iron for about one inch each side of the stand off.

73, Al AD6E @WH6H

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* C4SXL 04-Mar-2001