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Subject: DX'er problem revised
Author: ab2cj <>
Date: 20-Mar-2001 21:50:00

Last week I posted a problem I've been having with my Dxer. Thanks to Natan
and the others on the reflector, the problem was narrowed down to a possible
fracture in the LMR400 solid center conductor coax. The new coax arrived
today and should be installed this weekend.

I'd appreciate any suggestions on inspecting the antenna up close... just in
case it isn't the coax. Besides the obvious problems such as weathered
baluns, broken leads, loose connections etc... is there anything else I
should look for ?

The antenna was purchased new and shows no sign of loose elements or
stuctural fatigue. It's been on the tower approximantely 18 months. The
baluns are from Force12. I should note that, in my opinion, the Force12
product is by far one of the best on the market and I'm sure it's not the
antenna. My problem is most likely the feed system.

Thanks es 73
Tony, AB2CJ

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  Date   Author  
* 20-Mar-2001 ab2cj
This Author (Mar-2001)
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* DX'er problem revised 20-Mar-2001
Dxer Problem 13-Mar-2001