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Subject: NoAlOx on PL259
Author: <>
Date: 05-Apr-2001 08:09:50
In a message dated 4/4/01 10:04:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> From: ab2cj <>
> Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Nolox on PL259 Pin?
> To:
> Message-id: <01c0bd6d$b5937a40$1d23bb18@ab2cj>
> Greetings to all
> Is it a good idea to put Nolox on a PL259 center pin to prevent corrosion ?
> I've noticed that after a few years, the center pin can get alot of junk on
> it, even when insulated with Coaxseal or tape.
NoAlOx is an anti-oxidant and stands for No Aluminum Oxide. Since your
PL259's aren't aluminum, the answer is no.

Anti-oxidants are used to prevent oxidation of wire or metal electrical
connections of aluminum and/or copper. Read the label - it'll tell you what
the target metals are.

The "junk" on your center conductor is an oxide; which one depends on
what your connector material is. If you're using silver PL259's, then it's no
problem because silver oxide is a conductor. If you're using the cheaper
nickel plated ones, that's problematic because nickel oxide is not a

The best thing to do obviously is to use silver connectors but your
problem is probably due to inadequate weatherproofing. The key to success is
to use Scotch 33 or 88 electrical tape (not the '3 rolls for a buck' stuff
from the local hardware store) and have a layer of vaporwrap over it and then
another layer of tape over the vaporwrap. The last thing to keep in mind is
that the last wrap should go UP so the tape layers overlap like the shingles
on your roof. If the tape is wrapped down, the tape just channels water into
the connector.

If you do this, when you open the joint years later the connectors will
look just like new.

WARNING: DO NOT put CoaxSeal directly on a connector. If you do - you'll
never get it off and the connector will be a fairly useless wad of junk.

For anyone interested in practical tower and antenna contruction topics
like this, the TowerTalk reflector is a terrific resource that you may want
to subscribe to. Let me know if you want subscribe info. Questions like this
are probably more appropriate for TowerTalk than this Force 12 antenna

Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech

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* 05-Apr-2001
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Antenna problem 12-Apr-2001
C4 comments 24-Apr-2001
* NoAlOx on PL259 05-Apr-2001
NoAlOx on PL259 - #2 05-Apr-2001
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