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Subject: Help PLEASE
Author: ab2cj <>
Date: 11-Apr-2001 03:10:09

A few weeks ago, I posted a problem I was having with my Dxer, and or it's
coax. The problem was that when the antenna was rotated, there was an
intermitent loss of signal and the SWR would rise. This indicated a bad
coax, balun, or loose balun lead connection to the driven element.

Replacing the LMR400 coax on both 20 and 15/17 meters with flexable Milspec
214 solved the problem on the 20 meters but, the problem on 17/15 meters
is worse than it was before. The 15/17 meter antenna sounds dead at times
untill I apply power... then the receiver comes alive for a while as if RF
arcing somehow bridged the gap of a loose connection. The loss of signal is
still happening when the antenna is rotated or strong winds are moving the
elements about. The boom and elements are tight and the antenna is on the
tower about 2 years.

The only thing left to check would be the balun, balun connections and
possibly the bolts and nuts that hold the balun leads to the dirven element.
I should mention that after I tightened the nuts that hold the balun leads
to the driven elements, I sprayed them with Rustoleum. I don't think this
would cause a problem since none of the paint is where it shouldn't be, all
contact points are clean an shinny. The connectors on the new cable were
installed by Cable Experts.

Again, the intermitent loss of signal is caused by any movment of the driven
element by rotating the antenna or when there's a strong wind. Applying RF
seems to bridge the gap of the loose connection for a while untill the
antenn is rotated and the driven element starts to bounce around.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

73, Tony

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  Date   Author  
* 11-Apr-2001 ab2cj
This Author (Apr-2001)
  Subject   Date  
* Help PLEASE 11-Apr-2001
Nolox on PL259 Pin? 04-Apr-2001