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Subject: Tuning on 40 meter linear loaded elements?
Author: <>
Date: 13-Apr-2001 10:03:00
In a message dated 4/12/01 9:58:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> To: <>
> Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Tuning on 40 meter linear loaded elements?
> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 23:06:01 -0400
> I am about to put up a C4XL.
> I just got off the air with a couple guys who reported some difficulty
> getting Force 12 linear loaded 40 meter elements to tune easily. One OM
> the EF140S added to a C3SS. The other had the EF240S as a separate
> (although it was mounted above, not below a C3...problem?). Both reported
> tuning jumper settings being much further from the spreader than
> recommended in the manual. One guy reported having to add another turn to
> the hairpin match. The GOOD NEWS is that both reported performance being
> worth the effort!
> My question to EF140S derived antenna owners is what jumper setting did you
> find successful and at what tower height?

I've put up over a dozen F12 linear loaded antennas and the dimensions in
the manual are just a STARTING PLACE. I've NEVER seen one that didn't need
re-tuning from the original measurements.

> How about the hairpin match; any modifications aside from squeezing or

The coil just fine-tunes the swr and doesn't have anything to do with DE
resonance. Once the antenna resonates where you want it, then you open the
coil until you get the lowest swr.

> Also, I will probably
> have an antenna analyzer available to me. If you have used one to tune up
> an EF140S, did you use it at the end of a long coax run or using a short
> piece of cable.

For all F12 linear loaded antennas, you need to resonate each element. In
this case of a 40M dipole that's easily reached from the tower, it's a piece
of cake. When the antenna is installed, you put your antenna analyzer on the
feedpoint with the coil and tune it. When you've got it where you want, put
the balun and feedline on and check it at the shack. Since you're only really
interested in what it looks like at the shack, you may have to do some minor
changes if it looks different at the end of the coax.

For multiple element beams, you can't reach the other elements from the
tower so you either need a crane or you can run it up and down on the
installation tramline. You just need it 20-25 feet off the ground to see
where it's working. Take the jumper off of the parasitic elements and tune
them like a dipole; I've got a PL-259 with alligator clips that I use for
feedpoint attachment and a 25 foot long piece of RG8 I use for antenna
tuning. The resonate frequencies for all elements are given in the F12
manuals so go ahead and tune them for the appropriate frequencies, put the
jumper back on when you're done and you'll be in business.

Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech
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* 13-Apr-2001
13-Apr-2001 Richard Thorne
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Antenna problem 12-Apr-2001
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NoAlOx on PL259 05-Apr-2001
NoAlOx on PL259 - #2 05-Apr-2001
* Tuning on 40 meter linear loaded elements? 13-Apr-2001