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Subject: Ideas on 40 Meter Section of C4EXL
Author: Bill Roberts - K8DXX <>
Date: 27-May-2001 23:23:08

I have a Force 12 C4EXL (a C4XL with the optional 10 meter reflector) on a
40 foot roof tower. Overall, performance is great. However, since
installation, the 40 meter 2 element bean section has worked only
intermittently. This situation has worsened after nearly a week of rain.

What happens is that intermittently, the antenna shows high (4:1) SWR when
power is applied. It always shows "good" on my MFJ 259B antenna analyzer.
Much of the time, I can use my FT1000MP barefoot without problems. Running
an amplifier is generally out of the question. Right now (hasn't rained for
6 hours) , it won't even handle the exciter.

My suspicion is that the extra 10 meter element is too close or possibly
touching one of the linear loading wires. I did put rubber tape around the
linear loading wires in the vicinity of the 10 meter element before putting
it up, because to me, they looked too close for comfort. I have been unable
to go up and inspect the installation so, my report is admittedly

Any ideas?

Thanks. and best 73,

Bill / K8DXX

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* 27-May-2001 Bill Roberts - K8DXX
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* Ideas on 40 Meter Section of C4EXL 27-May-2001