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Subject: Rivet hole alignment problems
Author: Paula M. Uscian <>
Date: 04-Aug-2001 23:17:25
I just started assembling a new C-4SXL, and I'm not seeing what I expected.

I did a "dry-run" assembly of element #1, the 20M reflector--not one rivet
has been pulled yet. Starting with the tip and trying to line up the holes
with the next tube inboard, I can only get one hole of three to line up
sufficiently to accept a rivet; only one of the other two holes is close,
but I can see that it is not quite lined up, and would require drilling.

Ok, onto the next piece of tubing in the sequence to see if the problem
recurs; there I am able to line up 2 holes. This continues on the A and B
sides for the 20M reflector--at most, I can line up two holes, but around
30% of the time, can only line up one without further drilling.

I double-checked the assembly--swagged end for any piece goes inboard, non
swagged goes to outboard side as viewed from boom. All elements I am trying
to assemble are consistently labeled, i.e., 1B goes to another 1B goes to
another 1B, same for 1A.

The instructions say to put rivets into ALL rivet holes--there is not one
instance on the A or B side of the 20M reflector where I can do
this--always, one of the three holes is not aligned. This also is visually
obvious when one holds the pieces that go together next to each other; the
holes just don't all align. When they say "all," are they expecting only two
usable holes?

I haven't tried the other elements yet. Frankly, I was sufficiently stunned
by this development to figure it was worth investigating before continuing.
I might think the different line-ups for the holes were tuning options, but
I understand that the 20M elements shouldn't require this, and the ability
to align different hole combinations is not consistent (for example, from
the B side, I can sort of align 2 of the 3 holes in the tip piece 2
different ways, but neither option allows me to fit two rivets in, and of
course, each option involves a different level of telescoping of the
pieces). I'm trying to figure out how they did this at the factory.

Suddenly my TH7 doesn't look so bad any more....

Any ideas? Thanks! 73, K9IR

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
05-Aug-2001 WA9ALS - John
05-Aug-2001 N8WRL Brian
05-Aug-2001 Pete Smith
05-Aug-2001 Frank Norton KB8XU
05-Aug-2001 WA9ALS - John
05-Aug-2001 Gerry K8GT
05-Aug-2001 J. Kincade
05-Aug-2001 John Kjos W9RPM
05-Aug-2001 Frank Norton KB8XU
* 04-Aug-2001 Paula M. Uscian
This Author (Aug-2001)
  Subject   Date  
40M reflector build questions--Part 2 13-Aug-2001
40M reflector construction Qs 12-Aug-2001
* Rivet hole alignment problems 04-Aug-2001
Rivet hole alignment problems--SOLVED! 05-Aug-2001
test of attachment error message 04-Aug-2001
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